
‘The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.’ Mark Twain

Are you who you want to be?

At work, in your team, at home, at school …?

When looking at your behavior as a partner, parent or student, as colleague, leader or manager, do your actions, reactions, choices, and statements represent who you really are or want to be? 

To what extent do you let yourself be led by situational delusions or temptations? To what extent do you act from within yourself, your essence?

As an existential coach and logotherapist, I guide people toward their inner freedom. Not so much doing what you feel like doing, but finding and doing something meaningful.

We investigate what you want to identify with and what you want to get involved in so that your goals and behaviour reflect your values and motives.

This approach stems from the conviction that life and work satisfaction arise where we can function from our whole being and most profound convictions.

Contact me if you wonder why you are exhausted and listless in the evening, if you have the feeling that you have to defend yourself all the time, if you want to reinvent yourself, or strengthen the identity of your team… 

We look for what leads and connects you, for your identity and purpose!

For yourself and your team, online or offline.

‘When everything seems to be going against you, remember that an airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.’ Henry Ford

‘Of all the events that deeply engage people in their jobs, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work.’ Teresa Amabile, from Harvard in McKinsey Quartely 1/2012

Coaching & Therapy

What is Logotherapy & Existential Analysis

Joy in life and work arise where we can act from internal freedom, when we can function from our entire being and our deepest convictions. When we can handle blockages, gloomy thoughts, traumas, or fears and act in accordance with our feelings and thoughts, and from our most authentic values.

Each of us encounters ourselves at some point. We are confronted with life’s questions at some point, often as a result of a significant event, such as a failure, rejection, or loss, or simply out of the blue.

The question then arises: “What next?”

Which direction to choose? What coordinates still serve as orientation?

Instead of losing ourselves, we should find ourselves in our (working)life!

In Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy & Existential Analysis, we assume that these kinds of existential questions are an inherent part of life. They question us and point to the unique meaning of our existence.

In my sessions, we tackle these questions, look the beast in the eye, and search for what is essential—where you want and can be of significance.By answering these questions, you develop your own compass, which will guide you from now on, even in difficult times. You develop a coherent life story that forms the foundation of who you want to be for yourself and others, enabling you to activate untapped strengths and better relate to the present reality you face.


There is a beautiful core in all of us. Sometimes it is visible, sometimes a bit hidden. The goal of my work as an existential coach and logotherapist is to let this core shine in its full brightness.


As an expert of your perception, you become an active participant in the exploratory talks, the exercises and reflection assignments with which we bring your values to the front of your awareness.

My way of working draws from my different backgrounds.

As a logotherapist, I am oriented towards uncovering the task(s) you set yourself. How inner connectedness brings out the best in you. An integrated past gives the freedom to function from the depths of your being, even in tense situations. The revaluation of your life story generates unprecedented powers.

Institut für Logotherapie & Praktische Philosophie, ILOPP 2018 – 2021

As an accredited coach, I help people find their way, both inside and outside work. My focus is on personal growth and personal leadership, living and working better together, and the development of value-oriented leadership.

Coaching Academy International, CAI 2012 – 2015

As an organizational anthropologist in the position of an international consultant, I have been focusing on themes of diversity and integration for several decades. Respect for and understanding of the other presuppose self-knowledge and self-acceptance, next to self-relativism.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU 1988 – 1991

As a drama teacher, I have learned to work with various experiential approaches. In addition to conversations we work with assignments and exercises, either during or between the consultations as ‘homework’. It is also possible that we use simulations/role-playing, in which I take on the role of the antagonist.

Akademie voor Ekspressie & Kommunikatie, AVEK 1982 – 1987

Our work focuses on your reference points and the values you want to be led by.

Who I am

Life has many faces. Moments of joy and success, and those of disappointment and loss, those of ‘is this all?’ and ‘what now?’, those of ‘do I need it?’ and ‘do I want this?’

That’s no different for me than it is for you. Life also constantly asks for my answers.

My life has taken me to many different places. As an international trainer and consultant, I have come into contact with many different cultures by working on almost all continents.

The constant in my work was and is my orientation towards personal development.

I was born and raised in Mönchengladbach, Germany, and moved to Groningen, The Netherlands, in 1976 for my studies.

I have lived in Amsterdam since 1988, and since 2001 we have been living as a family for about 3 to 4 months a year in Oaxaca, Mexico. This stems from our family composition. Ana, my wife, is of Mexican origin and has danced as a professional dancer in different countries and with different companies. Given our backgrounds (and global developments), we have chosen to give our children a more global perspective on life.

I experience my work and private life as very enriching. My 30+ years as an international management and communication consultant have taught me a lot about my values and broadened my view of others and the world.

Wanting to understand what drives ‘us’ remains fascinating to me. As a coach, I also learn a lot from my coachee, which enriches me again and again. We learn from and with each other. By understanding more about myself, I can once again put myself in the shoes of others, without overlooking that our experiences and motives remain different.

As a coach, I look for professional involvement rather than professional distance.

Since mid-2024 I have been a lecturer in logotherapy at the Academie voor Geesteswetenschappen in Utrecht

I am a member of the following professional associations:

DGLE, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Logotherapie
NOBCO, Nederlandse Organisatie voor Beroepscoaches, en 
SIETAR, Society for Intercultural, Education, Training & Research

Henning Zorn

More / Contact

Invest in yourself and your team

As mentioned, I am committed to personal and professional development of individuals and teams. That is an in-depth investment, which is why we have to find out whether my approach fits your question. We always do this in a first session, after which we decide whether we want to continue together.


I tend to work in sessions of 1 hours, at:

€ 120* if it comes from your own wallet.

€ 225* if the company or your employer pays.

€ 45* for a limited number of students.

A plan is jointly worked out for team interventions. Based on that we a agree on a price on beforehand.

*No VAT is due for sessions within health care. VAT is due for coaching.

*a 24-hour cancellation policy applies for individual sessions


Individual consultations normally take place in the center of Amsterdam.

In addition, I regularly work in online sessions.


You can contact me at info@poweredbymeaning.eu or by phone at +31 (0)622492761

If I don’t answer, please leave a message and I’ll call you back as soon as possible.